Hotel Boulevard Inn São Paulo Guest Friendly & Girl Friendly

 Sao Paulo, Brazil

A guest that previously stayed at Hotel Boulevard Inn São Paulo has informed Freejoiner about their joiner policy. Information below is based on the information provided by the Freejoiner user.

The maximum amount of guests that can stay for free in your room: 1
Maximum amount of guests that can stay in your room: 1

You can bring bar-girls, freelancers or ladyboys with you into your hotel room at Hotel Boulevard Inn São Paulo.

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Important note:

If you are traveling to Sao Paulo as a single man, make sure you are reserving a room at a hotel that is a guest friendly hotel, also known as joiner friendly hotel. These hotels allow you take somebody up your room without an additional fee.

Click on the "Joiner-Policy" tab to find out the joiner policy of Hotel Boulevard Inn São Paulo.

Freejoiner has listed a large variety of hotels in Sao Paulo that allow you to take a guest for free to your room.

Please always book a room for 2 adults, even if you check-in alone.

If you meet a girl at a go-go bar, beer bar or at a disco in Sao Paulo, you can be sure you can bring them to your room at no additional charge.